These are 8 basic things one can achieve by CrossFit training.

Crossfit exercise.

1. All around fitness

Using bits and pieces from a variety of sports and training methods, CrossFit really is a cross of all versions of fitness, combining strength and cardiovascular training into high intensity segments. With CrossFit, youโ€™ll be getting an all-around fitness experience, training with Olympic lifting, powerlifting, kettlebell training, gymnastics movements and more. These workouts improve strength and muscle endurance, improve cardiovascular endurance and aerobic capacity, all in short, highly intensive workouts.

Each workout is made up of a WOD, a Workout Of the Day, which combines a high number of repetitions to be performed within a time frame. For example, 20 pushups, 20 pull ups, 20 dips, 20 snatches to be performed in 10 minutes. Or, it could also be something like repetitions of 30, 40, 50 or 100, with varying weights, all to be completed in a particular time frame. This style of workout promotes a fitness level where participants learn to move their bodyโ€™s with agility and flexibility.

2. Affordable

CrossFit is almost always done in a group training setting. This means fewer expenses going to a trainer. If you have never worked out and CrossFit is starting to sound a little scary, note that you can always do short trials. In these, youโ€™ll start with a 10 minute workout and be able to get a feel for it before you commit your time and money. Also, since CrossFit gyms are usually small and independent and require less equipment than a typical commercial gym, their costs are lower, and this is reflected in their pricing. This brings us to the next point

3. Little equipment required

With many of the workouts being body-weight based, little equipment is required. Many of the CrossFit workouts can be done with minimal space and basic equipment. Youโ€™ll need access to an Olympic lifting set, a pull up bar, some gymnastics rings and a few sizes of kettlebells. With this, all of the CrossFit WODs can be performed without problem. If all you have is a pull up bar, many of the workouts are still possible.

4. You can compete if you like it

With the rise in the popularity of CrossFit, the organization began holding competitions where WODS are given, and people can register to compete in their region and qualify in national and international CrossFit Games. These games allow anyone to compete, and the better your numbers, the higher level you may compete at. If you are competitive by nature, this is a great way to find the motivation to stay fit and work hard. Many people find it difficult to maintain steady fitness regimes, but with CrossFit, the motivation is much higher when there is something at stake โ€“ including your pride.

5. Always a challenge

The nature of CrossFitโ€™s โ€˜workout of the dayโ€™ training sessions are always a challenge. Even the best athletes who use CrossFit regularly can benefit from each session. Improving strength, endurance, power and aerobic capacity by performing the full workouts in the designated time. The workouts are set up so that the participant has an objective to reach within a given time frame. The better the participant gets, the more repetitions they will be able to perform. The goals are always changing, and emphasizing a particular training quality, keeping the workouts a challenge, no matter what.

6. Calorie Burner for weight loss

CrossFits workouts are continuous, and always push you to your max. Heart rate goes way up, and stays there throughout the workout. Since the workouts are based on getting as many reps as possible within a time frame, intensity is very high. This leads to a huge number of calories being burned in a very short period of time. If your goal is to lose weight with a comprehensive program, then this is a great way to go.

7. Improve cardiovascular health

With the intensity of each session being so high, the heart suddenly learns how hard it has to work to allow your muscles to do what it needs. The heart is trained at pumping harder and faster than ever before, and the lungs become more efficient at exchanging oxygen. Together, the body is able to send more oxygen to the needy muscles, thus improving cardio health. This is a great way to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, especially as we age.

8. Anyone can do it- scaled workouts

The last point to make here is that anyone can do CrossFit. The training is designed to fit anyone. Even though weโ€™ve mentioned here how challenging it can be, it was designed to first teach participants the correct, proper technique of each movement. This ensures a safe and fun environment where everyone feels they can go at their own pace. Using lighter weights and fewer repetitions to start helps this adjustment process while still giving you a good idea of what youโ€™ll be up to in the subsequent months of CrossFit Training.